Roswell Crash May Have Been a US Built Aircraft Technically speaking these were only UFOs to the uninformed observer and were in fact low aspect ratio aircraft. I fully recognize that the sceptics and believers are not prepared to admit to this and as a result both myself and the few aviation researchers who research this area of interest plough a rather lonely furrow. Before I go any further let me first add the standard disclaimer; Mention of German wartime technologies is in no way evidence of my support for right-wing beliefs, so-called "Nazi superiority", a 'secret agenda of holocaust revisionism' or any of the other smears and BS that have been put out by a few malicious characters. In fact, what is so ironic is that it is precisely because of war crimes that some of the men above were involved in, directly or indirectly, that their work remains classified by the US government. Any supposed UFO "cover-up" has very little to do with "crashed saucers" and a great deal more to do with the political and military realities of the immediate postwar period.
Beginning with work into VTOL aircraft within the Heinkel company at Marienhe, Rostock, in the late 1930s the work progressed and one of the places that it ended up was at one of three BMW facilities near Prague. This led to the development of a rather primitive circular-wing aircraft that was able, in early 1945, to take off and fly for several minutes before returning home. There are several witnesses to this event. Film was made of this test-flight and is beyond our grasp at this stage. The scientists involved were almost certainly on the "black list" of wanted technical specialists drawn up by allied intelligence operatives and hunted down by a combination of FIAT and CAF Teams from June 1944. Operations Overcast and Paperclip were examples of allied attempts to get hold of German experts.
I will use Intelligence documents - these quotations are taken from the CIA FOIA Popular (UFO) Documents site: "Reported Sightings of Unconventional Aircraft" -- dated 19 October 1955--paragraph 4: 1. Project 'Y' is being directed by John Frost. Mr. Frost is reported to have obtained his original idea for the flying machine from a group of Germans just after World War Two. From a Counter Intelligence Corps region Vl document dated 10 November 1947 (declassified 1994); Flying Saucers - paragraph 2: "The opinion was expressed that some sort of object, such as the flying saucer, did exist. At the present time, construction models are being built for wind tunnel tests. It is further suspected that the flying objects may have been developed from original plans and experiments conducted by the Germans prior to the capitulation. Headquarters, 970th CIC detachment, European Command, is desirous of locating German aircraft specialists or test pilots who might have some knowledge of similar aircraft. This canvass is to be made discreetly and to conceal our interest in the subject". Resulting information was to be sent to Air Material Command. This puts an entirely different perspective on things. This is nothing to do with crash retrievals, alien spacecraft but man-made technologies. I received an E-mail with detailed information from a man involved in early radar testing of flying wing designs constructed in the USA using German plans. He told me that they had a low Radar Cross Section (RCS) and were stable in flight with excellent lift. What is more, such flying wing aircraft (and a disc is a flying wing too) were said in USAF Air Intelligence Report 100-203-79 to 'most closely resemble' those objects reported as UFOs. Back on 23rd September 1947 the Schulgen Memorandum, and I quote from a copy of the original, stated that: "It is possible within the present US knowledge - provided that extensive detailed development is undertaken - to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object in subparagraph (e) above which would be capable of an approximate range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds". Beyond the good ol' UFO myths about lightning speeds of travel - where no observer would see a thing - many of the early sightings of so-called UFOs noted a heel-shaped planform and an aircraft that traveled at estimated speeds of between 300 to 600 mph. I take these approximate speeds from reports by aircraft pilots who saw structured craft and who might reasonably expected to make a better estimate. Of course, the usual suspects will debunk all this but I think that we're getting near the truth of the matter. Even more fascinating was Nathan Twinings' association with 'Operation Paperclip' and the transportation of those questionable Nazi scientists to the US. 'Operation Lusty', the postwar effort to get hold of data on German wartime projects was, not unlike the efforts made by CIC staff both during and after the war, very similar. There was a clear need to control the information about these advanced technologies and to recover the data and develop the aircraft in secret. So who did all the work and where did it take place? Initially - White Sands Proving Ground and Muroc Field. The source mentioned above did the flying wing tests at that location. The USAF was not the prime mover in disc aircraft. The US Navy was most responsible. The men who worked on the Chance-Vought XF5U1 - Flying Pancake was often held up as an example of a 'failed' circular wing aircraft - had high security clearances. I spoke to a 78 year old former employee living in Pennsylvania. He worked on the skins for the XF5U1 and contrary to popular opinion the aircraft flew, often at low speeds at night in the Bridgeport, Connecticut area from 1946. Initially a prop driven aircraft of circular planform the XF5U1 is said to have suffered from several deficiencies. Nevertheless, the postwar rush to replace prop engines with jets affected the XF5U1 and we now strongly suspect that a jet-powered 'pancake' was indeed responsible for its' share of saucer sightings. The man I spoke to was fully aware of this - he in fact worked on plans for the jet-powered version. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the US Navy was interested in this aircraft and in fact supported its' development as a possible STOL aircraft from 1942. The project went into the black and I have in my possession a 'Project Sign' document, which says that the US Navy had an experimental aircraft built by Vought. Document; Special Report - Project SIGN - 23 June 1948, from Colonel R D Wentworth USAF, Acting Chief of Intelligence: "Suggest leaving out sales talk for low aspect ratio aircraft. We will find out their practical advantages from Navy tests. It is the opinion of this office that since the vast majority of the objects reported can best be described as being similar to the flying wing type aircraft of low aspect ratio, this concept must be retained in the letter. In deference to the views of the Director of Research and Development, however, it is recommended that reference be made to past experiments conducted under the auspices of the Engineering Division and the present experiments of the Navy with low aspect ratio aircraft and boundary layer control". It comes as no surprise to me to learn that the destination for 'Paperclip' scientists was Fort Bliss - on the New Mexico/Texas border situated close by the White Sands facilities. Chance Vought moved to Dallas, Texas in 1947. It was only marginally to do with German technology as the Pancake story indicates. The US and Canada built several saucers as other intelligence documents and reports, for instance the recently (1995) declassified 'Project Silver Bug' technical report, make clear. This was a circular-wing aircraft supposedly designed in Canada (by a team said to include Dr. Miethe) but which our sources tell us was actually built and flown at Papoose Lake from 1958/9. The plans were drawn up at AVRO Canada primarily as a diversion. It was here, at S4, that some of the secret planes tasked with combating Soviet intruders were built. The saucers used jet propulsion. The Soviet threat was a constant preoccupation for the US military and the threat was very real. Klaus Habermohl, a BMW engineer who worked as part of the 'Flugzeug Special Projects Group' in Prague, was captured by the Russians in Prague on or about 11 May 1945. He undoubtedly helped the construction of a Soviet disc and I recently came across plans for another Soviet low aspect aircraft that would have used Nuclear propulsion. I do not know whether this worrying development ever got off the drawing board. What I do know is that Senator Russell and his party saw a flying disc during a trip to the USSR in 1955 and that his most credible sighting was swept under the carpet by the same military intelligence personnel with knowledge both of unconventional US and Soviet aircraft. I very much doubt whether Russell and his party saw the disc by accident. There were many elements to the ongoing struggle between the Soviet and US military and their intelligence machines and this is reflected in several texts including John Ranelagh's definitive book "The Agency" (Sceptre 1988). Check out the few CIA documents in its' Popular UFO Documents collection and note the near hysteria about advanced Soviet aircraft and intentions. Perhaps the most important and hidden aspect of this was the increasing threat of Soviet penetration of US airspace via Alaska. In any case the CIA was most concerned about 'non-conventional air vehicles' under development by the Soviets as the 16 June 1954 memorandum entitled "Intelligence Responsibilities for Non-Conventional Types of Air Vehicles" makes very clear. The CIA also had a close working relationship with ATIC at Wright-Patterson where much of the official reporting relating to UFOs took place and also where, most coincidentally, the technical report for 'Project Silver Bug' was produced. Again I stress that the CIA and its' counterparts were fully aware that the US and it's allies were developing saucers and triangles. From the 14 June 1954 document - paragraph 2a): " the use by any foreign power or nation of non-conventional types of air vehicles, such as similar to the "saucer-like" planes presently under development by Anglo/British/Canadian efforts". This is most likely a reference to the 'Silver Bug' VTOL circular planform low aspect ratio craft. The advanced radial flow engine version, supposedly of WW2 German origin, was the favored model and the Technical Report, written in 1955 after the CIA had attempted to play down the significance of the aircraft the year before, made it abundantly clear that the development of 'Silver Bug' was not to be confused with 'science fiction' stories about flying discs. What is more, the October 1955 CIA document entitled "Reported Sighting of Unconventional Aircraft" noted that 'Project Y' - the overall project designation for the AVRO family of saucers including 'Silver Bug' - wind tunnel tests had already been funded to the extent of $800,000 thus indicating that this was NO paper plane. Let me also make it clear that the AVROCAR hovercraft can only be seen as a failed cover story. AVRO, it should be remembered, built the Arrow, a most radical aircraft decades ahead of its time. I have information from a number of witnesses who saw disc-type aircraft in hangars at the AVRO-Canada facilities near Malton, Ontario, which had nothing to do with AVROCAR. They were guarded by USAF personnel. All we are left with now is a filling-in-the-gaps exercise. This is hardly the whole story but these facts are irrefutable. More information on this is set to emerge in the next few months and as we approach the millennium the truth about "UFOs" is starting to emerge. This has nothing to do with aliens, crash retrievals and recovered ET technology. I hope for new evidence although I suspect that the usual debunkers will posit a psycho-social type argument - or more likely simply ignore it. Its true declassified documents are very good evidence and in most cases were not seen for 30 years after they had been written. In conclusion I feel it is wrong to state that previously declassified documents contain within them "no physical evidence of the nature and origin of UFOs" at any time before 1955. The documents indicate that flying saucers and the objects described as UFOs were, more than likely, the product of terrestrial technology. |
On June 8, 1947, six days after the first event (all the debris may have been from the same vehicle), a press release approved by Lt. W. Haut, announced that saucer debris had been recovered by the 509th Bomb Group. The debris from both finds was loaded aboard a B-29 and flown to Carswell AFB in Fort Worth, Texas where it was announced that it was nothing more than the remains of a standard weather balloon. We are supposed to believe it took military intelligence officers an entire week to determine that the debris was from a weather balloon, an object any alert E-1 could have identified in about 30 seconds. Since most officers do not scrub about pastures recovering debris from fallen objects, it must be assumed some enlisted men were on hand for the task. Dozens, if not all, could have identified the object as a weather balloon if it was, indeed, a weather balloon. But if not a weather balloon, what was it? Let's eliminate the two least likely possibilities: weather balloon and alien space craft, and concentrate on discovering what the 509th might have carried away from the pastures in 1947. A UFO conspiracy, apparently now directed by a group ensconced in the lower stories of the Pentagon, and backed up by the military, effectively masks secret weapons from prying eyes. Disinformation diverts the scientific community from serious study of UFO phenomena. Obvious hoaxes, staged a few years apart, are enough to keep the media and scientists off balance. Behind the smokescreen, new secret technology and radical aircraft designs can be developed, tested and evaluated without serious interference from people who have no need to know what's going on. It doesn't matter if someone is trying to hide a secret weapon, planning a corporate take-over or concealing their involvement in an assassination, these two strategies apply: (1) If you want to keep your secrets, you always create a diversion to keep people looking in the wrong direction, and (2) If the evidence you find leads to only one conclusion, the conclusion will be wrong every time because the evidence has been planted.
The German V-1 and V-2 launches from desert bases after WWII. Two key people were on hand to recover the debris from the Roswell saucer crash site: the base intelligence officer and a member of the Counter Intelligence Corps. They directed the recovery of the debris, which consumed a good part of the following day, and loaded the pieces into two vehicles. The debris went to Roswell AAF for disposition. At about the same time, 100 miles away, Grady Barnett found what he believed to be a crashed saucer. Nearby were four small dead bodies. They had frail limbs and large heads with big, slanted eyes. According to Barnett, their bodies were encased in tight, one-piece, grey suits with no visible fasteners. Again, the military was quick to arrive. All witnesses were ushered away and ordered not to speak of the event. On June 8, 1947, six days after the first event (all the debris may have been from the same vehicle), a press release approved by Lt. W. Haut, announced that saucer debris had been recovered by the 509th Bomb Group. The debris from both finds are loaded aboard a B-29 and flown to Carswell AFB in Fort Worth, Texas where it the announced is made that it was nothing more than the remains of a standard weather balloon. We are supposed to believe it took military intelligence officers an entire week to determine that the debris was from a weather balloon, an object any alert E-1 could have identified in about 30 seconds. Since most officers do not scrub about pastures recovering debris from fallen objects, it must be assumed some enlisted men were on hand for the task. Dozens, if not all, could have identified the object as a weather balloon if it was, indeed, a weather balloon. But if not a weather balloon, what was it? Letfs eliminate the two least likely possibilities: weather balloon and alien space craft, and concentrate on discovering what the 509th might have carried away from the pastures in 1947. To find an answer, we must return to the period near the end of World War Two and Nazi Germany. German engineers and technicians had produced the only operational jet bomber, the Arado 234, during the war. Additionally, Willie Messerschmitt had designed, tested and produced both the Me 262 twin-jet fighter-bomber and the Me 163 rocket plane. Each of the latter planes was hundreds of miles per hour faster than anything the Allies had at the time. The Me 262 was powered by two very advanced Jumo axial-flow jet engines. The Me 163 was powered by a rocket motor using hyper-golic fuels. But most bizarre was the disclosure that the BMW plant in Prague had built a prototype advanced jet powered saucer-shaped aircraft with a diameter of 140 feet. Completed in 1944, this radical aircraft was flying by February, 1945 and was destroyed with its blueprints when it became apparent it would soon fall into the hands of the Allies. British and U.S. intelligence reports confirm the existence of this real gFlying saucer.h Cessation of hostilities between the waring countries and the knowledge that Germany might have won the war by pure technical skill had not the Allies overwhelmed it with an endless supply of expendable hardware and personnel, was the impetus that prompted U.S., British, French and Russian scientists, politicians and military leaders to develop weapons equal to or better than those that had nearly destroyed half the civilized world. Before the war was even declared at an end, U.S. intelligence agencies were scouring the countryside trying to locate as many German scientists and engineers and their hardware as they could before the Russians or British found them. By mid 1947, Arthur Rudolph, director of the Dora-Nordhausen rocket projects, and hundreds of former Nazis and members of the SS were safely settled in dusty desert towns in southern Texas where they began re-assembling a few V-2 rockets from hundreds of crates transported from Germany. Rudolph would go on to create the Saturn V booster that would put an American astronauts into orbit around the Earth. Conveniently forgotten were the 80 million souls for whose deaths Rudolph had to share responsibility. The American public, by and large, was unaware that these former Nazis were here or that their weapons would soon be launched from American soil, because the German teams had been literally smuggled into the country illegally and in secrecy by the military! White Sands Missile Test Center was just down the road a piece. Los Alamos was not far away. Roswell AAF was north, across the state border. When pieces of strange, unidentifiable objects began raining from the desert skies, it is no wonder that uninformed officers at Roswellfs 509th thought they had discovered something gnot made on this planet.h But when knowledgeable people heard of the incident through the media reports and frantic telephone calls, they would have clamped a lid on the find. The exotic materials found at both sites may have been pieces of a German-now-American V-2 tactical ballistic rocket gone astray! The pieces, after all, went to Carswell AAF in Texas, probably close to where they had been fired if the reports are correct. There would have been no need to send the debris to Wright Patterson Air Force Base for identification. Compromise of the classified projects and disclosure that Former Nazi officers were responsible would have created a political disaster, hence, the weather balloon story was released to pacify the American public. America and Russia, who had kidnapped and confiscated the lionfs share of German engineers and hardware, lost no time developing advanced aircraft and missiles of their own. Many of the early marks were bolt-for-bolt replicas of German operational aircraft. The North American F-86 Sabre, so famous during the Korean War, was developed directly from German technology, the prototype flying on October 1, 1947. Two weeks later, on October 14, 1947, Captain Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in the Bell X-1. A series of stunning and incredible flights followed with the X-planes leading the way toward the edge of space. By 1958 the first North American X-15 was rolled out and by June, 1960, an X-15, powered by a Viking Rocket XLR-99 engine producing 57,000 pounds of thrust, reached an altitude of 59.6 miles_the very threshold of space itself_at a speed of 4,000 miles per hour. In 1964, the X-15 Number 2, designated A-2, established an absolute speed record of 4,520 miles per hour. The next series of tests were to be conducted with exo-atmosphere orbital planes but the project was cancelled before the planes could be developed. Exo-atmosphere planes were not a new concept. At least not to the German engineers. During the Second World War, German engineer Eugene Singer had proposed and drawn up the plans for a massive sub-orbital gSkip Bomberh that, if produced, would have entered the edge of space, re-entered on a flat trajectory, and skipped across oceans of air and water until it fell to earth over North America. It would have carried a nuclear warhead. Americafs gSkiph planes should have led the way to reusable aircraft that could have taken off from the ground (rather than being carried aloft under the wing of a B-52), flown into space and returned to the same airfield to refuel and take more passengers into space. Scott Crossfield, who helped develop the X-15 and was its chief pilot for a number of flights, recently stated that if the exo-atmosphere tests had proceeded, America would have been in space with a reusable aircraft years ago. But the Space Shuttle program was developed (by the same German scientists) and the orbital planes were all but forgotten along with the daring pilots who paved the way for a new generation of astronauts who would take manfs first tentative steps on another planet of the solar system. Rocket scientists Werner von Braun and Willy Ley both worked on Americafs space program at Huntsvillefs Redstone Arsenal. Their efforts put Americans on the moon. It is interesting to note that the period during the development, testing and evaluation of the X-planes, from 1947 to 1959, was also the period when most UFO sightings were reported. Unidentified Flying Object reports dropped dramatically from a high of 1,501 in 1952 to only 167 during the last six months of 1959. Of the 173 official reports filed in the first six months of 1960, only three were classified as gUnidentified.h Blue BookDuring the entire Blue Book reporting period from 1947 to 1960, the number of unidentified sightings averaged only about 2%, or 130 out of a total of 6,523 reported sightings. A number of the unidentified sightings were classified as gLights In The Sky.h Lights in the sky can include such phenomena as ball lightning, swamp gas, earthquake lights, meteors, plasma, stars, planets, aircraft lights, jet or rocket exhaust, sun-dogs and a host of other odd known or unknown effects. gNuts and Boltsh sightings include aircraft, rockets or other tangible man-made artifacts, or unidentified or unknown aerial cars. gSightingsh are generally defined as observations of unknown craft at a distance greater than 500 feet where the craft does not touch the ground, does not affect the environment and does not alarm nearby animals. gEncountersh fall into three categories:The First Kind: UFO is seen within 500 feet but does not touch the ground or affect the environment or nearby animals. The Second Kind: UFO is seen within 500 feet and touches the ground, affecting the environment by flattening or scorching vegetation and/or alarming nearby animals. The Third Kind: Occupants are seen within 500 feet outside the craft. Virtually all are seen at night and usually only one or two witnesses are present. The occupants do not attempt to communicate, but retreat to their craft which quickly flies away. Two additional classifications are recognized but recorded separately from gEncounterh type reports. They are: gFavored Intermediaryh or gContacteeh; and gAbductions.h Lights In The SkyOf all the reports filed, gLights In The Skyh seem to be the most perplexing and difficult to explain. Many lights, or glowing orbs, perform complex maneuvers and sometimes respond to other lights or telepathic commands, or to the movements of human observers. They apparently defy the known laws of the universe, traversing the atmosphere with ease and flashing into hyper-drive in the twinkling of an eye, or by making rapid right-angle turns, stopping suddenly from rapid flight and hovering silently for long periods before they sail away. In 1974, Ground Saucer Watch, consisted of 500 engineers, physicists and astronomers, began using computer enhancement to determine if UFO photos were real or fakes. Scanned onto a computer screen, the images are reduced to 245,000 pixels and the computer is programmed to assign each pixel a brightness rating. Using color contouring, 3-D enhancement, and a number of other sophisticated tests, GSW engineers were able to prove conclusively that 90% of previously accepted UFO photographs were hoaxes. Two of the most famous UFO photographs were taken by Paul Trent on May 11, 1950 at about 7:45 in the evening. Mrs. Trent was in the yard feeding her rabbits when she looked up and saw a large metal disc sailing silently across the sky. She called to her husband who got his camera from the car and snapped two shots of the disc before it accelerated and disappeared toward the west. Fearing he might have photographed a secret U.S. aircraft, Mr. Trent told only a few friends about the incident. A reporter from the local newspaper heard of the sighting and eventually got the negatives. Within a week the photographs were printed on the cover of Life Magazine. In 1969, after rigorous scrutiny, skeptical scientists working on the Condon Report accepted that the object in the photos could not be explained by any known natural or supernatural phenomena. They concluded,hcthe photographs confirms precisely what the witnesses said they saw.h GSW examined the photos and endorsed the Condon findings in 1974 when its experts concluded that the object in the two photographs was a real gnuts and boltsh solid object, between 60 and 90 feet in diameter with a flat, evenly lighted underside and had been at least one-half mile away from the observers. In 1947, Kenneth Arnold made his historic UFO sighting while flying his private plane near the Cascade Range in Washington State. Nearby, in the inaccessible canyons and mountains of the Yakima Indian reservation, over 200 anomalous lights have been reported in the past 20 years. Reports include stories of discs, fires, glowing canyons, sounds from underground, encounters and other odd phenomena. Most reports are of bright lights moving low in the sky, swelling and pulsing with color. Some seem to be aware of humans, some cause automobile engines to quit, others affect nearby animals. Glowing orbs of lights performing apparently intelligent maneuvers have been photographed and observed with various scientific instruments in England, the United States and Norway, enabling investigators to make educated guesses about speed, size and light intensity. Their physical and chemical properties remain a mystery. Photographs of the objects reveal nothing more than lights rather than objects with features of flying saucers. Taken as lights alone, these phenomena pose a genuine challenge to science. Nothing presently known fits the description of the lights. They last longer than any known transient luminous phenomena. They glide silently, often for long distances, proving that they are not associated with specific locations. Some have been photographed against a background of mountains, proving they are not celestial bodies, mirages, or refraction effects. They are larger and brighter than any other known atmospheric light. Some have been reported since at least 1771, meaning cars, trains and aircraft lights must be ruled out as causes. They exist in the physical world, but evidence shows they may respond to lasers, light, radio waves and telepathic messages! Challenged to explain sightings of mysterious lights in the hills around Piedmont, Missouri, physics professor Harley Rutledge of Southeast Missouri State College, set up Project Identification in 1973 to gather data. 178 anomalous objects were recorded on 157 separate occasions. 40 scientists used a wide range of equipment, telescopes, sophisticated cameras, spectrum analyzer as well as a galvanometer to measure changes in the earthfs gravitational field. Simultaneous observations from widely separated locations allowed measurements of speed, course, and position of the objects. Sightings of aircraft, meteorites, headlights, refracted lights, etc., were eliminated from the investigation. The most startling discovery was that, on at least 32 recorded occasions, the movement of the lights synchronized with actions of the observers. They appeared to respond to a light being switched on and off, to verbal or radio messages, and even to telepathic communication! These claims, made by a member of the lay public, would have been dismissed as the ravings of a lunatic; coming from a professor of physics, they merit serious consideration. In 1944, while flying over Germany, USAAF pilot Bill Leet reported a luminous sphere suddenly appeared beside his B-17 glike a light switch being turned on.h It paced the plane for almost 45 minutes, then vanished. The gunners wanted to shoot at it but Leet ordered them not to, stating that if the light wanted to harm them, it could have done so any time. This was just one of many sightings of the now-famous gFoo Fightersh reported by pilots flying over Europe in the winter of 1944-45. The discs and globes were about five feet in diameter, generally seen at night, and sometimes changed color from orange to red to white and back to orange. They were never seen on radar. After the war, German and Japanese pilots admitted they had been perplexed by the same phenomena. They have never been satisfactorily explained. Could it be that these glowing orbs, combining a physical existence with an ability to interact with the human psyche, hold the key to the UFO enigma? Secret weapons have always been guarded by the military and certain U.S. intelligence agencies for obvious reasons. It is simply not in the militaryfs interest to have thousands of public eyes prying into top-secret projects, nor is it, indeed, in the publicfs interest to do so. Strange AircraftThe most bizarre of all aircraft, the alien-looking A-117 Stealth Fighter, the gShabahh (Spirit), of Desert Storm fame, was kept secret right up until the time it was deployed to Saudi Arabia and it had flown around the country for years! Had the public known of its existence, had foreign countries known of its existence, an effective countermeasure for detecting and destroying it might have been developed before it could have been used. So we must accept that there are some projects better left secret. In 1947, a few days prior to the Roswell incident, A V-2 rocket had been fired from White Sands Missile Test Center. At about the same time, the U.S. Army released one of its first polyethylene weather balloons, a material uncommon in the late 1940s and which may have explained reports of a material gincredibly toughh and unlike any seen on this planet. Additionally, either of those vehicles might have carried monkeys aloft as part of the test, which could explain the four small dead creatures discovered at the second site. But even if secret rockets and weather balloons go astray (and the early V-2s were famous for it) the military and intelligence agencies, encouraging interest in the UFO phenomena, can discredit observers as cranks and, thus, effectively maintain the integrity of secret weapons tests. It is the UFO conspiracy! Areas of high UFO activity in America have always been near test sites for secret weapons and aircraft. Additionally, several aspects of UFO activity might be attributable to the CIA or some group within the CIA since waves of UFO sightings often occur after times of crises within the government. Several UFO sightings followed the Sovietfs successful launching of Sputnik in November 1957 when Americafs own space efforts were failing dismally on the screens of every American television set! A UFO conspiracy, apparently now directed by a group ensconced in the lower stories of the Pentagon, and backed up by the military, effectively masks secret weapons from prying eyes.Disinformation diverts the scientific community from serious study of UFO phenomena. Obvious hoaxes, staged a few years apart, is enough to keep the media and scientists off-balance. Behind the smokescreen, new secret technology and radical aircraft designs can be developed, tested and evaluated without serious interference from people who have no need to know whatfs going on. It doesnft matter if someone is trying to hide a secret weapon,planning a corporate take-over or concealing their involvement in an assassination, these two strategies apply: (1) If you want to keep your secrets, you always create a diversion to keep people looking in the wrong direction, and (2) If the evidence you find leads to only one conclusion, the conclusion will be wrong every time because the evidence has been planted. gNuts and Boltsh flying around the skies of every country on the planet is one thing; gLights in the Skyh are something else. It seems entirely plausible that an experimental saucer-shaped aircraft might have overflown the Trent house in Oregon in 1950, a period of great activity in aircraft development in America. It is less plausible that lights responding to human telepathic communication in Piedmont, Missouri are creations of the U.S. military or manipulations of the CIA. They have been seen for centuries on every continent and by nearly every race of people, many of whom never even heard of the CIA or ever read a UFO report. Unlocking the secrets of the lights may give us some of the answers to the continuing enigma of UFOfs. |
The UFO Crash and recovered "Alien Bodies" The Roswell story of a crashed UFO has been one of much controversy and very difficult to sort out. Some of the problems creating this unclear picture are embellished stories, details with no conclusive evidence, deliberate false information proclaimed for personal gain by unscrupulous researchers and individuals seeking fame and fortune, and a large amount of disinformation distributed by our own government. To add to this, over fifty years have now ;gone by with most first hand witnesses deceased. De-bunkers and the news media make the whole subject something on the lunatic fringe. Yet in spite of these difficulties there does remain enough evidence that something out of the ordinary happened near Roswell in1947. On Wednesday, July 2nd 1947 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilmut sighted an oval shaped UFO flying overhead near Roswell New Mexico. Later that day William Woody and his father spotted a bright object with a red trail northwest of Roswell. At the same time of the Woody-sighting Mac Brazel, a rancher near Roswell New Mexico heard a loud explosion occurring out on his ranch. On July 3rd Brazel discovered the debris of an unusual wreckage on his ranch. Motivated by a reward for physical evidence verifying the existence of flying saucers, Brazel delivered some of the wreckage to Chaves County sheriff George Wilcox. Wilcox immediately contacted the Intelligence Office at Roswell Army Air Field. Major Jesse Marcel, Intelligence Officer of the 509th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Corps (the only Atomic bomber wing in the US, based in Roswell), was sent with CIC agent Cavett by the base commander Colonel Blanchard to check out the rancher's story on July 6. The Roswell Daily Record quoted Public Relations Officer Lt. Walter Haut, at RAAF: �the Intelligence Office was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc thru the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff�s office of Chaves County� July 7th Wreckage debris is brought back to RAAF by the military Following the announcement of the discovery the official account takes a sudden turn with the military going into full damage control to discount the story. July 8th the next highest chain of command to the local military authority in Roswell was General Ramey of Ft. Worth Texas the commanding officer of the 8th Army Air Core. He put an abrupt stop to the Flying Saucer story. Major Marcel is sent to Ft Worth and brought out before the press to reveal broken pieces of a weather balloon as Gen. Ramey explains away the original Headline story of the flying saucer as that of a �weather balloon". A retraction was also printed in the Roswell Daily Record on the 8th. In addition to the retraction, many eyewitnesses who collaborate Marcel's story were now silenced with intimidating threats. It wasn�t until many years later Major Marcel, decided to end his silence 30 years after the Roswell incident, Major Marcel granted an interview with Physicist/UFO investigator Stanton Friedman, whereupon Major Marcel stuck to the original story. Now the word is out and the public is aware that something indeed happened at Roswell in 1947. Other Roswell residents and military personnel also come forth, offering their accounts of the Roswell crashes. Eyewitnesses describe the wrecked flying vehicles shaped similar to our modern day SR-71 as well as seeing the remains of small gray bodies found at the sites. The local mortician in Roswell, Glenn Dennis, tells of a request by the Army base for child-sized coffins. Pieced together, the collaborating eyewitness accounts add up to a story truly out of the ordinary. Years later, Retired General Thomas Deboise, second in command to Gen. Ramey, admits the weather balloon story was a cover and that the Roswell incident was given an above Top Secret classification. Despite the wide variety of theories that have evolved, the only thing for certain is that there was a cover up of an extraordinary event. Throughout the Roswell incident, our government made every attempt to cover up the crash and to silence witnesses. Was this an attempt to conceal a secret technology from the public or competing world powers? Or Perhaps the U.S. was aware of a hostile country already in possession of similar technology. In fact the United States was well aware of a foreign power in possession of flying disc technology. As the world celebrated victory over the Axis Powers, the U.S. government had a guarded concern about Nazi Germany. American forces discovered prototype rockets and experimental disc aircraft developed at the Nordhausen underground complex. All of the aircraft were of conventional propulsion. What was disturbing was the discovery of plans for electro magnetic anti gravity propulsion units, even more alarming was the means in which the Nazis obtained this technology. Based on intelligence gathered by the OSS, the US was well aware of the Nazi�s Occult beliefs. The Nazi�s were convinced the Earth was hollow in which an Aryan Empire existed that controlled a power called the "Vril". It is conceivable the Vril power was another name for a form of anti gravity technology. Occult prophesies also assured an alliance between the Nazi�s and the Aryans, as well as victory. Furthermore, Nazi Aryan myth claimed the people of Tibet and India were the original blood link relation to the Aryans and were therefore referred to as, "Spiritual Aryans". The Hindu and Buddhist religions reflected the subterranean Aryan�s religious beliefs. The Nazi�s also believed that Tibetan Monks had knowledge of the underground domain. According to Buddhist prophecies the Nazi�s were the ones expected to come and complete their fifth cycle of man. So, in 1936, the trail of Nazi researchers of the SS Ahnenerbe led the OSS to the Asian people of Tibet and India. Upon arrival, the Nazis were welcomed with open arms. Tibetan monks gave the Nazi researchers many of their ancient texts, some of which described an inner earth. During their visit the Nazis conducted experiments in the vast caves of the Himalayas and brought back test results of the earth�s magnetism (Vril power?). Upon the return to Germany 200 monks accompanied the Ahnenerbe. The monks were commissioned as SS officers to work at Wewelsburg Castle, Himmler�s Occult center. Further research by the Ahnenerbe indicated an opening to the inner earth within the Antarctic. They believed this led to the mythological Aryan capital of Thule. In addition, we later learned (from the Hartz mountain complexes) that the Nazi�s had the capability to excavate huge underground complexes. This explains why in 1938 the Nazi�s sectioned off an area, Queen Maud Land in the Antarctic and re-named it Neu-Schwabenland. Allied intelligence traced a great deal of submarine activity in this region before and during the Second World War. Submarines captured or sunk in or around the Antarctic during the war usually had an overload of people and supplies. All of which indicate intense activity in progress somewhere in that region. The mysteries discovered at the war�s end, coupled with the great amount of submarine traffic allude to the possibility of a massed colonization taking place from Germany to the Antarctic. What really happened in the Antarctic like the Roswell crash may never be known in detail. The serious yet secretive actions of our government responding to the bizarre actions of the Nazis may be enough of a smoking gun. Something extraordinarily unusual happened. Now, after the fact the specific occult beliefs have a paper trail and documentation easily available to all. I would suggest the insightful books, Unholy Alliance by Peter Levenda and Man-Made UFOs by Renato Vesco and David Hatcher Childress as an excellent source of further information. A History you were never told; events leading to Roswell 1947: The following is a series of events that might seem unrelated. They are bits of history that when put together, reveal the fearful background in the minds of our leaders leading up to the Roswell incident. In the early years after World War II, only our military leaders had privy to some of what are now easily documented events. Summer of 1943: Project Rainbow was a government backed experiment that included Scientists, John Von Newman, Nicola Tesla, and Wilhelm Reich. Albert Einstein was also used as a consultant. Tesla�s coils and Reich�s understanding of "Orgone" was a part of this project. The Rainbow project involved the creation of intense electromagnetic fields and something went very wrong. This failed project was perhaps the first experience the US had that was similar to the later German research they would soon discover. Winter-1944: While flying bombing sorties over Germany Allied bomber pilots sight "Foo Fighters", which they described as small shiny glowing objects. The "Foo Fighters" were able to match the flight path of the bombers while disrupting the plane�s electronics and navigational systems. Furthermore they were capable of responding to sudden changes in flight patterns as well as attempts to shoot them down. Since they made no aggressive attacks they are only met with curiosity. April, May-1945: Dr. Wernher von Braun (creator of the V-1 and V-2 rockets) along with the majority of his team of scientists from the Peenem�nde missile complex surrender to American forces to avoid capture by the Russians. The relinquishment of this team whets the appetite for America to develop their own missile and jet programs. June-1945: American forces enter the huge underground complexes at Nordhausen in the Alps. They capture V-1, V-2 and prototype V-4 rockets. Many experimental aircraft are discovered, including disc, and triangular craft. All featured either piston or jet powered forms of propulsion. Allegations have been made about the discovery of blueprints and documents describing an anti-gravity propulsion unit as well as plans for the peacetime exploration of space. At the same time, over 200 of the newest model XXI submarines are missing from their pens. The entire German Bank was missing! (Guinness book of world records lists this as the largest unsolved bank heist in history!) Over 2,000 Nazi scientists were missing and almost 200,00 people from the general population were never found. This figure did not include war dead, POW�s and MIA�s already accurately recorded. Fall of 1945: SS General Reinhard Gehlen, head of Nazi Intelligence-Eastern Division, surrenders to the Americans. He "cuts" a deal to pardon both himself and his staff in exchange for Nazi intelligence accumulated on the Russians. The information garnered on the Russians as well as the discovery of unknown research projects under development by the Nazi�s makes a profound impression on U.S. intelligence. With a desire to emulate Nazi intelligence and security, Reinhard Gehlen is enlisted to create the same operational system for the US. This results with the OSS evolving into the CIA. Part of this transition includes the release of hundreds of Nazi war criminals into America, posing as free citizens and operators in our own national infrastructure. Late 1945: Following the surrender of Germany, U-boats U977 and U530 surrender to neutral Argentine. The U.S. sends a commission of high-ranking officers to investigate the acquiescence of the submarines. Both Captains were held in custody for two years and questioned about the whereabouts of Martin Bormann, the body of Hitler, as well as a possible location of the last bastions of Nazi�s somewhere in the Antarctic. The commander of U977 Captain Heinz Sch�ffer, was familiar with the Hartz mountain complexes; the model XXI subs and had experience with patrolling the Antarctic. Following the grilling by the U.S. commission, Sch�ffer was given over to the British for further interrogation. December 1945 A squadron of Trainer planes disappears over what is to later become known as the "Devils or Bermuda Triangle". The planes that got "lost" somewhere off the Florida coast reported the same navigational disruptions that effected Allied bombers over Europe. Late 1945,46 and 47:February 1947: Operation Highjump, a major expedition to the Antarctic, is set in motion. Admiral Byrd, our only expert on the Antarctic, commands the expedition. Equipped with 13 ships including an aircraft carrier, two planes and 4,000 ground troops, the convoy steams to the Antarctic. The public is told that this was a scientific expedition to "test" military equipment in extreme cold conditions; the expedition is outfitted for 8 months. . This would not seem unusual except the expedition maneuvered like a military assault. They made a two-point landing converging on the area named "Neu-Schwabenland". The expedition returns to America a few weeks later, with large loss of materiel. Spring 1947: During a flight over Mt. Rainier businessman and private pilot Kenneth Arnold sights "Flying Saucers" flying in formation. The official term "Flying Saucers" is coined from this event. U.S. intelligence officials, with knowledge gained from captured Nazi documents showing similar craft, had to wonder if the sighted objects were not operational versions of the drawings - weeks later after suffering heavy losses of equipment. Washington censures Admiral Byrd to be silent about the failed operation. July 3, 1947: The wreckage of the now famous Roswell crash is discovered and then covered up by the U.S. Military. Until the crash the minds of U.S. intelligence were fixed on finding the Nazi�s and their amazing technology. However now the U.S. Government is aware of a possible alliance between the Nazi�s and "Reptilian Grey Aliens". Our Military believed they now faced something bigger than they could ever have imagined. This position made them reconsider everything, including opposing the fleeing enemy! A willingness to negotiate the best favorable terms for our own interests may have resulted due to the Roswell crash
1952: Following Operation Highjump Admiral Byrd became a major proponent to establish the Antarctic as a nuclear test zone. In 1952 a bill was on the Senate floor to establish this site. Weeks before the vote, the Capitol was buzzed by many UFO�s flying in a typical German formation. As interceptors were dispatched to confront them they simply "blinked" out. Once the jets returned to their bases, the UFO�s reappeared. This happened several times the same day. Shortly after this event the bill was dropped from the Senate floor. This presence may have caused a stale mate between the powers of the US and the Last Bastion of Nazis in the Antarctic. A Rebel Alliance? The alliance of Nazi and non-human "Aliens" is also revealed in the early history of UFO contacts. Contactees were people who claimed to have encountered UFO�s and their occupants. Unlike the later abductees, the Contactees retained the full memory of their experience. The Contactees of the 50�s reported the occupants as Tall Blond Haired Blue eyed Caucasians. Their crafts matched the plans discovered at the Nordhausen complex. They often were heard speaking German or English with a heavy German accent. The first "lost time" experience of Barney and Betty Hill occurred in the early 60's. Barney identified a "Captain" with the little Grays. While under hypnosis he is asked why he can identify one of the occupants as a Captain. Barney responds because of his hat, and then in a panicked voice, as if he suddenly recognizes his captor he cries out, "He�s a Nazi!" These events clearly implicate Nazi German technology as a product of an alliance with the occult. Nazi UFO�s? A logical question asked about this idea is, "If the Nazi�s had such technology in 1945 why didn�t they use it to win the war?" In 1945, The Nazi�s just touched the tip of the iceberg. All they had was a shiny object that looked impressive and could travel really fast. A conventional projectile could not be fired through the gravitational field of the UFO. Therefore they did not have an offensive weapon. However, the Nazi�s did what they could with this technology. Through random contacts and public sightings of UFO�s, they created the illusion of an "Alien" presence on earth. In the following decades they are convincing their former enemies and the entire world to change their perception about God, the universe and the future for humanity Same message different setting: The message from these "Aliens", the Nordic or the Grey type remains the same. Their warnings and messages of hope is a philosophy called Theosophy; the basic foundation of the New Age movement as well as the philosophical essence of Nazism! What couldn�t be won on a battlefield may be won spiritually by this huge deception and seduction! And so far it is working!